Chechens Utilize Top Secret Maneuvers in Firefight with Treeline

Members of the Chechen regiment fighting for Russia utilize a top secret warfighting technique from the inshallah warfighting publication that so far has only been utilized in Syria.

Footage recorded by Chechen fighters working with Russia inside of Ukraine captures the moment one of the Soldiers goes on a rampage with his rifle. It's not actually clear what the Chechen fighter is shooting at, but my guess is it's something over in the general direction of the trees. It's also unclear at this time if the fighter seen spraying his Kalashnikov runs out of ammunition, or if he's just accidentally hit his emote button a few seconds too early.

Judging by the fact that the second Chechen continues to utilizes the ancient Inshallah warfighting tactic of screaming God is great in an attempt to get Allah to guide his rounds, I'm leaning towards he accidentally hit the emote button too early. We may never actually know. I heard if you listen carefully however, the Fortnite default dance sound can be heard in this video.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Members of the Chechen regiment fighting for Russia utilize a top secret warfighting technique from the inshallah warfighting publication that so far has only been utilized in Syria.

Footage recorded by Chechen fighters working with Russia inside of Ukraine captures the moment one of the Soldiers goes on a rampage with his rifle. It's not actually clear what the Chechen fighter is shooting at, but my guess is it's something over in the general direction of the trees. It's also unclear at this time if the fighter seen spraying his Kalashnikov runs out of ammunition, or if he's just accidentally hit his emote button a few seconds too early.

Judging by the fact that the second Chechen continues to utilizes the ancient Inshallah warfighting tactic of screaming God is great in an attempt to get Allah to guide his rounds, I'm leaning towards he accidentally hit the emote button too early. We may never actually know. I heard if you listen carefully however, the Fortnite default dance sound can be heard in this video.

josh brooks

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