Contractors Bug Out After SVBIED Detonates Near Motorcade

A group of contractors on their way back inside of the wire encounter an SVBIED explosion. Their immediate action drill is to maneuver the motorcade away from the explosion.

This video was recorded somewhere in the 2004 to 2006 time period of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It shows a group of contractors conducting motorcade operations near the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq. Listen to the clarity of communications the vehicles have as they cohesively maneuver away from the kill zone to protect their principal and avoid further contact with secondary or tertiary SVBIEDs.

Who needs coffee in the morning when your work day starts like this.

Published 3 years ago

A group of contractors on their way back inside of the wire encounter an SVBIED explosion. Their immediate action drill is to maneuver the motorcade away from the explosion.

This video was recorded somewhere in the 2004 to 2006 time period of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It shows a group of contractors conducting motorcade operations near the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq. Listen to the clarity of communications the vehicles have as they cohesively maneuver away from the kill zone to protect their principal and avoid further contact with secondary or tertiary SVBIEDs.

Who needs coffee in the morning when your work day starts like this.

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