(NSFW) Sickening Scenes Of Kabul Blast Aftermath

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We have received footage showing the gruesome results of the deadly SBIED blast that killed 13 American troops and wounded more than a dozen. Including civilian figures, the attack killed well over 100 people and wounded an additional 150+.

Ordinarily we edit out aftermath footage from our uploads, but in this instance, for accountability's sake, we know it is critical to make sure this footage is available to those who really want to know what our top military leadership is responsible for.

The footage is low resolution and may be hard for some to decipher exactly what is being presented. To summarize the clip: There is an immense pile of dead, dying, and injured bodies lying in an Afghan canal. If you have never been to Afghanistan you may not know that these canals are nothing more than an open sewer of human defecation. We lured these Afghans, that have been helping us for the last 20 years, into a promise of salvation, only for them to be violently killed in their own waste.

They didn't die because the Islamic State blew them up. They died because a series of unprecedented, unforgivable, and almost unbelievable command decisions made by our own leadership.

Wrap your head around this: CENTCOM commander Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie said, “We believe it is their (IS-KP) desire to continue those attacks and we expect those attacks to continue, and we’re doing everything we can to be prepared for those attacks ... And that includes reaching out to the Taliban, who are actually providing the outer security cordon around the airfield, to make sure they know what we expect them to do to protect us, and we will continue to coordinate with them as, as they go forward.”

Incredible: We have the CENTCOM commander deflecting any and all accountability by placing the responsibility of the deaths onto the Islamic State for carrying out the attack and also indirectly pinning blame on the Taliban for not protecting US troops?!?! What clown world are we living in when the top regional commander admits that the entire plan hinged on an agreement with our 20-year enemy to secure our operation? How was this man not relieved of duty, on the spot, before he could speak another word? Why, lord above, were our Marines still at that gate of swarming unidentified people when we had fresh, hard intelligence that an IS suicide attack was imminent?

This criminal incompetence isn't just on McKenzie's hands. I assure you, coordinations with the Taliban in Qatar happen at a much higher level than just CENTCOM. Where TF is Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin? Besides an extremely generic seven-sentence bulletin from Austin's office, he has not made a single press release since the deadly attack on our troops. Where TF is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley? Has he gone AWOL? While we're at it, Gen. Miller resigned immediately following the idiotic closure of Bagram and it's like he just fell off the face of the Earth... Are these fellas down at the Winchester enjoying a nice, cold pint, waiting for this to all blow over?

Where are they? Better question: Where is the accountability for our dead and wounded troops? Unfortunately, there will likely be none. For any of them to admit their global-level of criminal incompetence, they would all have to take the fall, as they are all complicit in this unforgivable, unforgettable disaster.

will killmore

Published 3 years ago

Graphic Content Warning

We have received footage showing the gruesome results of the deadly SBIED blast that killed 13 American troops and wounded more than a dozen. Including civilian figures, the attack killed well over 100 people and wounded an additional 150+.

Ordinarily we edit out aftermath footage from our uploads, but in this instance, for accountability's sake, we know it is critical to make sure this footage is available to those who really want to know what our top military leadership is responsible for.

The footage is low resolution and may be hard for some to decipher exactly what is being presented. To summarize the clip: There is an immense pile of dead, dying, and injured bodies lying in an Afghan canal. If you have never been to Afghanistan you may not know that these canals are nothing more than an open sewer of human defecation. We lured these Afghans, that have been helping us for the last 20 years, into a promise of salvation, only for them to be violently killed in their own waste.

They didn't die because the Islamic State blew them up. They died because a series of unprecedented, unforgivable, and almost unbelievable command decisions made by our own leadership.

Wrap your head around this: CENTCOM commander Marine Gen. Frank McKenzie said, “We believe it is their (IS-KP) desire to continue those attacks and we expect those attacks to continue, and we’re doing everything we can to be prepared for those attacks ... And that includes reaching out to the Taliban, who are actually providing the outer security cordon around the airfield, to make sure they know what we expect them to do to protect us, and we will continue to coordinate with them as, as they go forward.”

Incredible: We have the CENTCOM commander deflecting any and all accountability by placing the responsibility of the deaths onto the Islamic State for carrying out the attack and also indirectly pinning blame on the Taliban for not protecting US troops?!?! What clown world are we living in when the top regional commander admits that the entire plan hinged on an agreement with our 20-year enemy to secure our operation? How was this man not relieved of duty, on the spot, before he could speak another word? Why, lord above, were our Marines still at that gate of swarming unidentified people when we had fresh, hard intelligence that an IS suicide attack was imminent?

This criminal incompetence isn't just on McKenzie's hands. I assure you, coordinations with the Taliban in Qatar happen at a much higher level than just CENTCOM. Where TF is Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin? Besides an extremely generic seven-sentence bulletin from Austin's office, he has not made a single press release since the deadly attack on our troops. Where TF is Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley? Has he gone AWOL? While we're at it, Gen. Miller resigned immediately following the idiotic closure of Bagram and it's like he just fell off the face of the Earth... Are these fellas down at the Winchester enjoying a nice, cold pint, waiting for this to all blow over?

Where are they? Better question: Where is the accountability for our dead and wounded troops? Unfortunately, there will likely be none. For any of them to admit their global-level of criminal incompetence, they would all have to take the fall, as they are all complicit in this unforgivable, unforgettable disaster.

will killmore

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