Old Habits Die Hard - Taliban Uses IED to Clear Out IS-K Position

Taliban fighters who are pretending to be professional Soldiers utilize a yellow-jug improvised explosive device made from HME to clear out an IS-K fighting position in Karte Sakhi.

This video was filmed on August 3, 2022 and published to Twitter. What you're watching are "professional Soldiers" with the Taliban's Army completing an operation against IS-K fighters who have holed up in a building in Kabul. Some habits never truly go away however. No matter how much abandoned ISAF equipment you throw onto a Taliban fighter, at the end of the day he's still just a Taliban fighter who most likely can't read, and probably has zero formal training in how to conduct combat operations.

Case and point. Witness the MK73 Yellow Jug IED being utilized by the Taliban in this video to clear the building. I guess we didn't leave behind any fragmentation grenades, and civilian casualties aren't something to be concerned about in military operations in urban terrain. Professional Soldiers should know better, but like I said, these guys probably went back to the farm after this to spend quality time with their favorite goat. Can't be forced to read a warfighting publication if you don't know how to read.

I really hate those yellow jugs.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

Taliban fighters who are pretending to be professional Soldiers utilize a yellow-jug improvised explosive device made from HME to clear out an IS-K fighting position in Karte Sakhi.

This video was filmed on August 3, 2022 and published to Twitter. What you're watching are "professional Soldiers" with the Taliban's Army completing an operation against IS-K fighters who have holed up in a building in Kabul. Some habits never truly go away however. No matter how much abandoned ISAF equipment you throw onto a Taliban fighter, at the end of the day he's still just a Taliban fighter who most likely can't read, and probably has zero formal training in how to conduct combat operations.

Case and point. Witness the MK73 Yellow Jug IED being utilized by the Taliban in this video to clear the building. I guess we didn't leave behind any fragmentation grenades, and civilian casualties aren't something to be concerned about in military operations in urban terrain. Professional Soldiers should know better, but like I said, these guys probably went back to the farm after this to spend quality time with their favorite goat. Can't be forced to read a warfighting publication if you don't know how to read.

I really hate those yellow jugs.

josh brooks

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