Taliban Secretly Filmed Kidnapping People Off The Street In Broad Daylight

Unconfirmed, new footage surfacing shows alleged Taliban fighters tossing what appears to be a young/middle aged Afghan male, bound at the wrists into the trunk of a car.

The exact context for the reasoning is yet to be known, however kidnapping within the borders of Afghanistan is nothing out of the ordinary. With the Taliban takeover, many reports have indicated that kidnapping's have become more common throughout the country since the United States and Allied Forces withdraw.

In a desperate attempt to gain legitimacy, Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid, stated any former foes of the regime would be forgiven, despite their previous interactions with western allies. To reinforce the illegitimacy of the Taliban's so called "word", we recently shared footage, recorded during the Taliban takeover which completely contradicts Mujahid's statement for forgiveness. Check that article out, here.

As we have seen over the past three weeks, Taliban ruling has attempted to completely suppress their opposition. Numerous reports confirmed by the UN and NATO, have spoke of the violent outbreaks during anti-Taliban protests. In addition, both UN and NATO have additionally confirmed door-to-door searches and death threats from Taliban fighters to women involved in the Afghan political parties and the education system.

The United States in recent weeks has also challenged the Taliban's legitimacy, as they pressed the Taliban to return an American civil worker, Mark Frerichs. Frerichs was abducted in February of 2020 by the Taliban while he was assisting in construction projects in Kabul. The State Department offered a reward of $5 million to individuals who bring information regarding his whereabouts. Mr. Frerichs is one of two Americans still unaccounted for since the withdraw on August 31st, 2021. In addition to Frerichs, Paul Overby Jr. was last heard from in May of 2014, where he suddenly vanished in the Afghan city of Khost. On the day of his disappearance, Overby was traveling to conduct and interview with Sirajuddin Haqqani. Since then, Taliban have denied any involvement in the disappearance of either men.

With little to no sensible proof, the Taliban have done little to none on maintaining the liberation within its borders. Since the complete takeover, Taliban fighters have abducted, executed, and suppressed any individuals who had prior affiliation with western allies. A prime example of this, was that of a British-trained Afghan sniper who was recently executed for his involvement with the Afghan National Army. Check our story on this topic here.

austin marino

Published 3 years ago

Unconfirmed, new footage surfacing shows alleged Taliban fighters tossing what appears to be a young/middle aged Afghan male, bound at the wrists into the trunk of a car.

The exact context for the reasoning is yet to be known, however kidnapping within the borders of Afghanistan is nothing out of the ordinary. With the Taliban takeover, many reports have indicated that kidnapping's have become more common throughout the country since the United States and Allied Forces withdraw.

In a desperate attempt to gain legitimacy, Taliban spokesperson Zabiullah Mujahid, stated any former foes of the regime would be forgiven, despite their previous interactions with western allies. To reinforce the illegitimacy of the Taliban's so called "word", we recently shared footage, recorded during the Taliban takeover which completely contradicts Mujahid's statement for forgiveness. Check that article out, here.

As we have seen over the past three weeks, Taliban ruling has attempted to completely suppress their opposition. Numerous reports confirmed by the UN and NATO, have spoke of the violent outbreaks during anti-Taliban protests. In addition, both UN and NATO have additionally confirmed door-to-door searches and death threats from Taliban fighters to women involved in the Afghan political parties and the education system.

The United States in recent weeks has also challenged the Taliban's legitimacy, as they pressed the Taliban to return an American civil worker, Mark Frerichs. Frerichs was abducted in February of 2020 by the Taliban while he was assisting in construction projects in Kabul. The State Department offered a reward of $5 million to individuals who bring information regarding his whereabouts. Mr. Frerichs is one of two Americans still unaccounted for since the withdraw on August 31st, 2021. In addition to Frerichs, Paul Overby Jr. was last heard from in May of 2014, where he suddenly vanished in the Afghan city of Khost. On the day of his disappearance, Overby was traveling to conduct and interview with Sirajuddin Haqqani. Since then, Taliban have denied any involvement in the disappearance of either men.

With little to no sensible proof, the Taliban have done little to none on maintaining the liberation within its borders. Since the complete takeover, Taliban fighters have abducted, executed, and suppressed any individuals who had prior affiliation with western allies. A prime example of this, was that of a British-trained Afghan sniper who was recently executed for his involvement with the Afghan National Army. Check our story on this topic here.

austin marino

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