Tank Mounted GoPro Captures Armored Combat in Pisky, Donetsk

GoPro footage from a camera mounted to the front of a tank being operated by the Donetsk People's Republic shows armored combat near Pisky, Donetsk.

For the purpose of context, this footage was released through official Russian channels. It shows members of the DPR operating armor to shell Ukrainian positions near Pisky, Donetsk.

The interesting thing about this footage is the evolution of Russian tactics. For the most part, Russian tankers are known for operating their vehicles fully buttoned-up a majority of the time. In this video, we see DPR members, who were trained by Russian tankers, operating head-out. While head-out operations does involve more risk to the tank crew, it gives the tankers a far better field of view. This is most likely a result of Ukrainian HK teams who have been ambushing the tanks from inside of 100 meters with rockets. Operating head-out gives the tankers more time to react to threats within this range as they're able to spot them and other threats like them far easier.

I'm sure there's someone in the community with loads more armor experience than myself. One of you Armor ID ninjas let us know what kind of tank this is and I'll pin your comment up to the top. To me, a tank is a tank is a tank, but to some of you guys armor ID is a religion.

josh brooks

Published 2 years ago

GoPro footage from a camera mounted to the front of a tank being operated by the Donetsk People's Republic shows armored combat near Pisky, Donetsk.

For the purpose of context, this footage was released through official Russian channels. It shows members of the DPR operating armor to shell Ukrainian positions near Pisky, Donetsk.

The interesting thing about this footage is the evolution of Russian tactics. For the most part, Russian tankers are known for operating their vehicles fully buttoned-up a majority of the time. In this video, we see DPR members, who were trained by Russian tankers, operating head-out. While head-out operations does involve more risk to the tank crew, it gives the tankers a far better field of view. This is most likely a result of Ukrainian HK teams who have been ambushing the tanks from inside of 100 meters with rockets. Operating head-out gives the tankers more time to react to threats within this range as they're able to spot them and other threats like them far easier.

I'm sure there's someone in the community with loads more armor experience than myself. One of you Armor ID ninjas let us know what kind of tank this is and I'll pin your comment up to the top. To me, a tank is a tank is a tank, but to some of you guys armor ID is a religion.

josh brooks

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